Indoor Air Pollution Facts and
Importance of Clean Air

SafeAir Duct Care™ aims to educate customers about maintaining clean, breathable air in St. Louis, MO, and the surrounding areas. Read through the facts below to learn more.

One out of every six people who suffer from allergies does so because of the direct relationship to the fungi and bacteria in the air duct systems. (Total Health & Better Health Magazine)

Children are more likely than adults to be affected by polluted air; they breathe faster, inhale more air per unit of body weight, and are closer to the ground where concentrations are higher. (Department of Consumer Affairs)

The elderly, asthmatics, and people with respiratory problems, such as allergies and lung diseases, are more sensitive to pollutants. (Department of Consumer Affairs)

Most people spend 60 to 90% of their time indoors. (American Lung Association)

50% of all illnesses are either caused or aggravated by polluted indoor air. (American College of Allergists)

The average six-room house collects 40 pounds of dust each year. (Discover Magazine)

Air pollution contributes to lung disease, which claims close to 361,000 lives in America every year and is the third-leading cause of death in the United States. (American Lung Association)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ranks poor indoor air quality among the top five environmental risks to public health. (E.P.A.)

50% of all illnesses are either caused or aggravated by polluted indoor air.

1 out of 6 people who suffer from allergies do so because of the direct relationship to the fungi and bacteria in the duct system. (Total Health and Better Health Magazine)

Legionnaire’s disease was spawned in air conditioning ducts. It killed 29 people in 1976.